About me

My Journey.

I am a driven student and software developer, having experience in multiple languages, both high and low level. I started coding back when I was 14 years old in my high school computer science class. Back then, I was using Visual Basic to make simple applications like blackjack and dice rolling games. Now I work with many different paradigms and environments including C, C++, C#, Java and Python.

A few of my skills


The first few years of my undergraduate experience were strongly focused on Java. As a result, it the language which I feel most familiar with. During the school year, I teach students fundamental programming skills using Java.


I have been experimenting with Unity for the better part of the decade. It's very easy to load up and just mess around with the engine and try new ideas. Sometimes I will spend hours working on an idea just to see if I can do it. You can see my work in the VR application myself and my team made for SF Hacks 2019, of which we won "Best Use of Google Cloud." Most recently, I lead a team of students to create Phantom Frenzy, an 8-player team-based game of hide and seek.


My knowledge of Java combined with my experience with Visual Basic made it very easy to transition over to C#. Check out my DeviantScroller repo on github, where I created a standalone application to access the DeviantArt API. I also have experience using C# to create Unity scripts, of which I have also taught as a Lead Instructor for iD Tech Camps.


Python is such an interesting language to me. It's one of the most prolific languages, yet it is notably about as high-level as a programming language can be while still being considered a programming language. My work with Python begins back in 2018 when I taught students how to make simple programs on Raspberry Pi laptops as an instructor for iD Tech Camps. Most recently, I used it extensively in the development of middleware applications for Bridgify.

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